Monday, February 23, 2009

List of R&D Paid Holidays Posted

I have posted a list of all 2009 Paid Holidays for R&D's qualified employees on the right hand side of the blog. This is the best estimate of dates at this time. Dates are subject to change depending on R&D's work schedule around that particular holiday.

Also, one of R&D's Paid Holidays for eligible employees each year is the Employee's Birthday. This holiday should be taken within 30 days of your actual birthday. Please schedule your time off with your supervisor so they can plan for your time off.

If you have any questions, please see Kandi or Charlie.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Work Schedule - Update

Good News! We received some move-ins and a rush order from a few customers that make our machine schedule very tight for the next two weeks. Although the orders are not substantial enough to go back to a full schedule, we do have the need for more machine hours. We will offer to allow full-time employees to fill their lost hours as machine operators. Please let Tino know if you are interested and we will work out an individual schedule. Training will be available – no experience necessary.

Again, we will review the work schedule each week as we get better visibility from our customers.