Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Reward - A free soda to the person responsible for the safe return of Bev’s scissors. They vanished from her desk sometime in the middle of September. They have pearl white handles and they are older than Sarah!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Safety Reminders

Just a few short safety reminders from the Safety Committee.

1. Open toed shoes are not allowed on the production floor.

2. If you see a spill of water or pellets clean it up immediately so no one slips.

3. Never leave a forklift or crane if it has something in the air.

4. Always steer clear of the forklift and pallet wrapper when they are in use and never assume the operator see you.

Packing Slip copies are now on server

Packing Slip copies can now be found in the New Structure section on the Company Server. This will be a great help if you need to see or print a copy for any reason as we've never stored them electronically before.

The exact location is:

Server2\company\New Structure\Operations\Shipping\Packing Slips - scanned copies

I just started scanning these in yesterday, so I'm working backwards from most current to oldest. Each Packing Slip file is named with it's corresponding Packing Slip number and the date. I did not include the customer name in the file as you will likely be searching for a particular number after finding the shipment in either JEMS or on the Packing Slip Log.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!