Thursday, December 19, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Potluck

Please join your co-workers for a holiday potluck.  R&D will provide ham & turkey from Honey-Baked Ham.  Please bring a side dish or desert to share.  There is a sign up sheet for each shift.  This will help to keep everyone from bringing the same thing.

Night shift - Wednesday 18th
Day shift & Swing shift - Thursday 19th

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Holiday schedule

  • We will be running day shift on Friday (12/13) to make up for being closed on Monday
  • Closed 12/20 through 12/25 for Christmas break 
  • Closed 1/1 for New Years day (Swing shuts down 12/31, Night shift starts up 1/1)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Feast

Our Thanksgiving dinner will be Tuesday night for Graveyard and Wednesday for Days & Swing.  Our feast will be from Dave's BBQ this year, so brink lots of napkins (and maybe a bib).

Thank you for all your hard work this past year to make R&D such a success.

Welcome Kris

Help us to welcome Kris to the R&D family. (which shouldn't be hard for Ron since she's his daughter).  She will be working in customer service.  Stop by and say hi.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Welcome Deborah

Please welcome Deborah Tyler-Cook to the R&D Plastics family.  She has joined the accounting department. Stop by & say hi.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Schedule for week of 7/29 to 8/2

Jill out all week
Steve out all week
Allen out all week

Monday, July 29
     * Sal out
     * Lindsey out
Tuesday, July 30
     * Sal's molding class @ 6:30 am
Wednesday, July 31
     * Paper shred day
Thursday, Aug 1
     * Bev out
     * Sharon out
     * Brian out
     * Sal's molding class @ 2:30 pm
     * WWU Advisory committee meeting
Friday, Aug 2
     * Bev out
     * Sharon out
     * Brian out

Monday, June 24, 2013

Please welcome Holly, Edward, & Kyle to the R&D family.

I am pleased to announce that Kyle Tarr will be joining our team as a Project Engineer starting on June 24th.  We also have two summer interns joining us on the same day, Holly Quach and Edward Lafferty.  
Kyle’s Bachelor’s degree is from Western Washington University where he majored in Plastics Engineering Technology. Since several of his new colleagues share this degree, he will have a lot in common with Lindsey, Sarah and Ron.
Holly and Edward both come to us via Western Washington University, and are excited to learn all about the Plastic Injection Molding Industry over the summer.  Holly has been an active member of the student chapter of SPE at WWU.  She will be the new Student President of SPE for this coming WWU school year.  Edward has been busy this year with some of his time devoted to his minor in Spanish.  We hope to convert Edward from a Seattle Sounders fan to a Portland Timbers fan before the summer is over.
I appreciate you joining me in providing a warm welcome for Kyle, Holly and Edward. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hillsboro Hops Baseball

R&D has season tickets for the Hillsboro Hops.  There will be some games available for employees to attend.  Please let Sharon know if you are interested.

Click here for the official site of the Hillsboro Hops 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Week of 2/11 to 2/15

Monday      - Shane off
Tuesday      - Brian, Allen, Doug & Lindsey out (seminar)
                    - Shane off
                    - Charlie off
Wednesday - Shane off
                    - Charlie off
                    - Kandi off
Thursday    - Shane off
                    - Charlie off
                    - Kandi off
Friday         - Shane off
                    - Charlie off
                    - Kandi off
                    - Bev off

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Power shut off Feb 9

We will have a planned power interruption on Saturday 2/9/13 from 7:00 am to noon.  Please make sure that your computer is completely powered off before you leave on Friday night.

Thank You,

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happenings for the week of January 21 to 25

Monday - Jill off
Tuesday - Sharon off
Wednesday - Charlie at ITAR training
Thursday - DOE Intermediate Seminar (9:00 am to 4:00 pm)
               - Charlie at ITAR training
               - Ron off
Friday - WWU Student tour
           - Ron off